
 Peals on St Mary's 12 bells.

We are allowing 4 peal attempts each year so please use the contact page to get in touch.

Fees for this are, per rope, £10 for peals and £2.50 for quarters.

Fourth Quarter 2026 (tbc) Requested by Peter Elliott. 

Third Quarter 2026 (tbc) Requested by Guildford band. 

Second Quarter 2026 (tbc) Requested by Graham Bradshaw.

First Quarter 2026 (tbc) Requested by Martin Whiteley, Derby. 

Fourth Quarter 2025 (tbc) Requested by Ed Mack, Bristol. 

Third Quarter 2025 (tbc) Requested by Guildford band. 

Second Quarter 2025 (tbc) Requested by the Society of Royal Cumberland Youths. 

First Quarter 2025 (tbc)  Requested by John Taylor & Co.

November 2024 (tbc)  Requested by Barrie Hendry.

September 14th 2024.  Requested and confirmed for Ruth Curtis.

Saturday 6th April 2024.  The Ancient Society of College Youths rang 5016 changes of Spliced Maximus (6 methods) in 3h 23m.

Saturday 27th January 2024.  The Guild of Devonshire Ringers rang 5042 changes of Cambridge Surprise Maximus in 3h 30m.

Sunday 12th November 2023.  A resident band from Bath and Wells rang 5042 changes of Cambridge Surprise Maximus in 3h 21m with birthday compliments to Robert Perry, conductor.

Saturday 15th July 2023.  The Ancient Society of College Youths rang 5088 changes of Cambridge Surprise Maximus in 3 hours 43 minutes. 

Saturday 1st April 2023.  The Ancient Society of College Youths rang a peal of 5028 changes of Stedman Cinques in 3 hours 40 minutes.  

Saturday 4th March 2023.  An inaugural peal of 5037 changes of Grandsire Cinques was rung by the staff and friends from John Taylor & Co.