Bath and Wells Association Library

Dedication of the Bellringers Library and Book Launch.

'5th Nov 1776, Crave allowance for a hogshead of cider £1 0s 0d Pd for 77 lb of Beef at 1¾d per lb & 14 lb of salt 12s 03d Pd Jas Newton for a Bushel of Potatoes £2 0s'

The above quote is from the book Church Bells in Somerset by the late George Massey launched in St Mary's on November 5th. It is interesting to note how well the 'Gunpowder Plot' was celebrated at Brent Knoll. Whereas the average parish seemed to pay about five or ten shillings to fete the ringers, things were then done in style.

Rev Tim Hawkins, Master of the Bath and Wells Association of Change Ringers, and Charles jointly officiated at the ceremony to dedicate the Association Library and announce the book launch. Tim gave an eloquent description of George Massey's dedication to bells and ringing, and, present a copy of the book to his son David, other ringers were also present to collect their copies. Richard Lee was thanked for having the foresight to bring the library to the clock room and this has justified all the hard work by our ringers to create an asset for the Church and the Association.

The event was rounded off with some open ringing by the many visiting ringers and a celebratory toast of bucks fizz.

Margaret Lee
Tower Captain