Tower Captain's Report 2010

Tower Captain Report 2010

This year can only be described as having highs and lows. 

The lows were the stressful time over the issue of CRB checks and losing our title in the Branch Striking Competition but there is always another year.

The highs, I am sure you will agree with me, far out number the lows.  In March we had the Bell Simulator installed and it is proving a hit with our newest recruit Ben.  In April Steve became a member of the Association, we also welcomed back Keith Petersen.  In July four of us joined other members of the branch  to ring at Wells Cathedral.  In September some of us enjoyed going on the Branch outing to Seaton which included the Tower Table football tournament, the final was between Keith and Richard and I can not tell you won.  As well as hosting our Coffee Mornings for  Church  Funds we welcomed members of the branch to the AGM which was held in October.  In February we celebrated Christmas with a delicious lunch at the Tudor Restaurant, our thanks to Richard for organising this successful event. 

In addition to  ringing for 9 weddings, Town Carol Service and the Light up a Life Service we have been able to ring all 8 bells most Sundays and achieve one of the targets I set last year which was to ring Plain Hunt on 7.

Housing the Association Library in the clock room as turned out a positive for us as once a month David Bromage, the librarian, joins us helping us to progress with our triples ringing.

2010 was a busy year personally for six of us, one reaching ' Life begins at' two reaching half century, one a Golden Wedding and two taken early retirement which we celebrated along the way and by a quarter peal in December.

At the quarterly meeting in January Richard was elected as the Branch Education Officer, for which I wish to congratulate him. 

There is so much I would like us to achieve this year so these are my targets for us all

1    Recruit new members to the art of bellringing

2    To achieve ringing plain hunt on 7 on another bell and a plain course of St Mary's Treble Place Doubles

3    To have a Ringing Day Out

4    Master raising and lowering the bells in peal

Finally I would like to thank you all for your support, fellowship and sense of fun in such a remarkable year
