Tower Captain's Report 2011

Tower Captain Report 2011

There has been many highlights for me this year, we have all progress with our ringing as a team which enabled us to take part in the striking competition at Wembdon in April, the taster day in May which was a very successful day in the interest it generated but unfortunately we did not get any new members may be next time, we celebrated John's special birthday in June, ringing the handbells at North Newton for a wedding in July, thank you to Viv for master minding this for us, the opening of the Association Library and we had an enjoyable Christmas meal at the Captain's table, thank you Richard for organising this.

The bells were rung for the Royal Wedding Day, 9 Weddings, Light up a Life Service and the Town Carol Service. Some ringers joined other members of our branch to ring at Wells Cathedral in July and some went on the ringers outing to Lacock area in September. Richard and Keith attended a training day at Lydeard St Lawrence where they are being trained on the new way of teaching also Keith has been appointed as the branch tower maintenance officer. In addition the tower has hosted two training days for the branch, organised by the branch education officer, Richard, of which I would like to thank Steve and Keith for their help and support in making it a successful day,  we have hosted two coffee mornings for the Church funds.

I would like to thank the British Flag Carnival club for coming to our rescue in sorting out one of our stays.

We welcomed back Keith Lane after his operation and have welcomed many visitors to our practise nights which has helped us to progress our ringing.

We look forward to what promises to be a busy ringing year nationally with the Queen's Diamond Jubilee and the Olympics.

I would like thank you all for your support, friendship and sense of fun over the past year but in particular I would like to thank Steve for being my helpful assistant.
